I realised today that the tubs of marigolds I planted which have no flowers & got leggy are in fact tomato plants!!!! What a plonker, how I did that & havent realised is beyond me, I do worry about myself sometimes, well most times now it seems!!
If you don't like deep & meaningful belly button gazing then skip down past the following :)
The two weeks have not flown by & are getting lonlier BUT its all a learning thingy (trying not to use organisational words lol) as I have been thinking a lot, not much choice really, & its amazing that the things I receive most pleasure from here are empty without Nigel. You know the saying all the money in the world cannot make you happy, well all you who want want want money thinking this is exactly what it will do, WRONG! Without people who are in your heart life is empty. Now this may not be a lover, could be a family member or a very close friend, but without anyone to share with life & all its wonders is an empty life. I used to have too many people in my life & this too can be a bad thing, with no room for yourself, to think, to plan, to just be. So what would I prefer, hmmm, well I would prefer to be in poverty with my husband by my side here in our village home, BUT... We need money to pay bills & eat so we have to put up with this, short term hopefully. We will still be in poverty here in our little peasant village but we will have a driving job (this too will take him away but only 10 days at a time) a means to an extra income & renovation jobs coming in. To live here is all work work work but its all about the lifestyle!!! Nigel has had enough in Uk already apart from being with his children & granchildren which is a really lovely thing for him this is where he belongs & it is hard for him too. I am trying to sell houses but the economic situation is still not good for house sales. We though will not give up this is where we want to be & where we feel we belong.
So in all my thinking & talking to myself in my head (& quite frequently out loud) in all my moaning & upset I know without doubt this is where I want to be this is where I belong the problem is I am a human being who was created to be with other human beings that I love & that is what I am missing, not that I am a wimp but that I am an emotional person. Now this I think is good much rather that I care about people & animals, than only animals, but it has its down side I can be very harsh I will cut out the dead wood & I can explode at the drop of a hat if you use, threaten or are detrimental to me & mine!!!! I will fight to the death, be it a death of a relationship or life itself. I am a lioness & I protect those that I love & I will survive this, probably moan & cry my way through it though, but that is my perogative that is my personality!!!! I think I am stronger for being true to my feelings & being able to talk about them than running & hiding from the truth & pretending all is well. Thats when people get shocks!!!
I have survived soooo much more than this in the past, but, I had others around me who cared, this is my weakness being alone!
Right...... I think we are in the middle of a heatwave at the moment with temps well over 40c (100f) at 5pm!!
This in turn will give wonderful days in the pool, poor mans pool :D but worth a million pounds in this weather. I love it lying on the sun lounger reading then floating on the lilo with arms & legs trailing in the water wonderful & a brilliant way to get through the day knowing that here in Bulgaria we have at least 3 or 4 months of this ahead of us. It has come early this year as July & August are the really hot months with it reaching 50c last year, without that pool it would be really hard to survive. A lot of people spend the time inside as it is so much cooler, the houses are built exactly for this, but I am still in UK thinking mode & refuse to sit indoors or sleep the afternoon away when the sun is shining lol. I have different seating areas, an umberella & when our barn is renovated an outside living entertainment area which will give shade & fans for cooling off.
The garden has gone through many changes in the last two weeks, with the Orange lillies bursting into flower then the Peoney's, which I wait all year for then in one week they have bloomed in all there wonderful glory only to die a quick death. now the White Lillies are starting to bloom & the smell is wonderful!! I am not sure if its the dogs cats ot the tortoise but one area of these Lillies have been flattened so I have a rather large vase full of them & get frequent wafts of their perfume Mmmm!
I was able to talk to my Mum & Nigel last weekend as Nigel spent four days with her in hastings, :) they did all the usual Lunch at Maggie's fish & chips down on the beach, carvery at a country pub & eat as much cantonese at cosmo sea front/town. they also went everyday on to the top of the cliffs & had icecream in the glorious sunshine looking over the old town & channel, Oooohh how I missed them then!!!
I love doing these things with my mum& they had a lovely time together. Nigel is a very good son in law, thanks darling xxx I get to speak to you again next weekend when you go again :)
The garden is proving to be a lot of hard work still, those bloody weeds have gone into a mental growth spurt when we had a big storm & then the temps went into overdrive which makes it hard work & the persperation (cause ladies don't sweat!) gets in my eyes then I cant see LOL.
So a little bit a day & we get somewhere albeit slowly. I am concerned about my tomatoes as I really use this crop alot in many different ways. The creaping invading weeds & chick weeds had taken over so I have managed to get this cleared & looking much better I also went through & pinched out the little side shoots & am delighted to find flowers on the plants so soon we will have our first crop of domats. The pumpkins are doing really well too, & that is my current job. A lot of the weeds in here are actually beautiful bushes of gorgeous flowers which open in the sun & close at night so its a bit harder as I am transfering the plants to different spots in the garden which will be flower filled all summer woop woop, its a big garden to fill with flowers so this is going to do a great job for years to come as it drops seeds & next year I will have them again. So Pumpkins growing well with flower heads appearing But lots of work involved in clearing the patch. I am very excited about the Pumpkins :D My Garlic is nearing ready for pulling, I pulled two yesterday as they had been flattened by one of the animals & they smell mmmm quite strong I think but they are not quite ready yet a bit more dying down to do. The Peppers are doing well & Yovo says good pepper. Only lost 4 so far & I'm not sure that was the dogs as the tortoise sre also on the rampage.
I harvested the cherries and thought I would make Jam! People make out its easy! It sounds easy right? Well two batches later its NOT! First batch is so hard there is no way its coming out of the Jars The second batch was runny but tasted delicious!! I was going to use it for sauce for upside down pudding & over icecream Then my friend said I could save it by re boiling it. Hmmpfft I reboiled it to the right consistency great but I was distracted for a couple mins & BURNT it :( :( AAAAARRRGH The dogs had a feast & I will have another go with the Morrello's which are almost ready to harvest & lets face it you have to be a hardened Bulgarian to eat those fresh for me its compot or jam. Lets hope the jam works this time, if not upside down pudding it is!Bad news for my peach tree though it is in Yovos words, is ill kaput!!! there is lots of fruit on the tree but it has hardened areas & the leaves are eaten etc, Can be saved though needs a bloody good prune & needs spraying so I live in hope that next year I will finally get lots of my very fav fruit!!! The tree by the pool has curled up leaves & form what I can see two peaches on it so again some work needs to go into that one too.
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