
Thursday, 29 April 2010

Polski Trambesh, Plants & Metal Garden Plant Holder!

Views from our village...  As You can see not a cloud in the sky.....

The Rape is every where, I'm now getting worried that we won't have any Sunflowers here this year. I have managed to grow a few seedlings so will have to make do with about 4 lol. The smell permiates the air & mixes with the lovely smell of the Lilac tree's & bushes that line the roads too. Lilac is prolific at the moment in a soft Pink & deep Purple colours. Our garden Lilac is the Pink variety & I have a bunch in the living room which is surrounding me with a beautiful scent as I write this Blog.
Went to Polski Trambesh market yesterday to buy some bedding plants, which I actually managed to do. I lost all my geraniums in the snow this year so I have replaced them & got some other plants, no idea what they are! I will take some photo's when they have taken well & see if anyone can inform me. It's been a long time since I was there last, I think September. I really like this market, you can buy everything here from fruit & veg to live fish & Rabbits (both as food products) as well as clothing & Shoes to Guns & fishing paraphenalia!! I bought bags of miss shape biscuits, plants, kiwi's & Banana's. I forgot we have people to dinner tonight so had to buy the veg in a shop later very anoying, as I have said before dementia is settling in!
So a coffee then the local hardware store to buy a door bell, I'm sure we will live to regret that decision, & a pump sprayer thingy which will hold 8 ltrs of weed killer. Needless to say Nigel had great fun killing everything that dared to grow in the pool area lol. I found a great painting for the guest room. I had been looking for a painting of Sunflowers with a touch of red & this was a fifth of the price. I wanted something that would depict Bulgaria in some way but nothing too European, this is perfect as its set in a wooden frame & looks as it should.

The fayre's in town, well a blow up slide,
a swing ride & a carousell both of which are about 100 yrs old & a punch ball & candyfloss, woo!!!!
Sitting under the trees at our coffee shop.

While I was planting the flowers we were called out by our neighbours who speak more Turkish than Bulgarian & no English but we always get there in the end, lots of hand gestures & laughter!
They had a metal spiral plant stand which holds 8 pots for the garden asking us to buy it as they need money. Now this was the last thing we needed & being on a very tight budget can't really afford. It has certainly seen better days, I tried to pretend I didnt know what they were saying :) But I like our neighbours & the fact they did'nt just ask for money I folded & gave them 6 leva (although they tried for 10!!!).  I think it will look good with a bit of hammerite & trailing geraniums on, very shaby chic!

It's been beautiful weather this week with lots more to come so I am eager to get the hall finished & get out in the garden to soak up some sun while reading a good book & getting more of the garden sorted!!!

Right well a very busy day today I have the hall to finish painting & tonight Pavlinka, Yovo, Anton & Mary are all coming to dinner. So housework to do & a chilli to cook, I bought cakes so no dessert to make :D

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