A very productive morning. Yovo came to help plant the Peppers but all the time I am aware of the very wayward dogs which are likely to wreck them before they have a chance to produce their first fruit bloom! Nigel just didn't have time to build a fence around te plot before he left. What to do? well the only thing I can do is put a wood border around it which may help to deter them running over it. The wood is small tree's cut into 1 mtr lengths, bloody heavy & I had to bring them up from the end barn. Well by the time I finished my body was incapable of moving :D I am such an old fart!!! Still I try! Anyway I am pleased with the result we will find out tonight if it has any affect stopping the dogs if not then I will have to lugg up more & build it up, I really don't want to have to do that!!!
I found Boris fussing & saw this little fella, so Boris moved to the side & before I helped him out I thought I would grab a photo so I chatted away soothingly so not to scare him & got a couple of snaps but when I picked him up I realised that it shouldn't be so easy to get him & on closer inspection saw that he has obviously been caught by one of the catsclue is in the photo! An eye popping out legs not quite right :( I don't think he was dead, yet, but not sure I could do anything so I have put him in the garden & will check later but he is probably dead now.
Well Another day without my lovely husband, hope he's feeling better had a bad migrane yesterday :( One of the last things he sais was be careful you don't want to put your back out when I'm not there haha well guess what....... BUGGER!!!!
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