
Monday, 28 June 2010

31 Days Alone, Daniel, Grandbaby, Sophie & Weeds

What a week, Oh My Goodness!!!!!!
Firstly a very happy 28th birthday today to my son Daniel, I miss him so much.

Daniel & Katie have had the sexing scan this last week & we now know what sex the baby is but I must keep it a secret  as Colin, Katies dad wants it to be a surprise & doesn't know. I absolutely respect his decision & admire his restraint, I didn’t want to know the sex of my own babies but have wanted to know the sex of my grandchildren when it has been found out. So I know but will keep it to myself as far as the blog 7 internet goes till November when Grandbaby arrives. In the meantime best wishes & lots of love to Daniel today!!!!!

My beautiful Sophie has gone missing L Last saw her when I gave her dinner on Thursday. Sophie & Reggie have a little supper to go to bed with this tells them its time to settle down & she wasn’t there for her supper, even though I called her she didn’t come. I wasn’t too worried as she is known as Houdini but everyone knows her & loves her & she is never gone for more than 30 mins max.

In the morning I called her for breakfast & she didn’t come, then I was concerned as she has never missed breakfast or dinner her tummy tells the time for her!
I have walked & walked calling her name & I can’t find her. Sarah & John have driven round the village looking for her too. At least we can say she hasn’t been run over as she would have been found. My main concern is she has been beaten up or killed & hidden. I am hoping someone has her & pray she is not hurt or scared!! I am finding just typing this very hard it breaks my heart to think of her in pain or fear! Sophie has had a pain & fear filled short life. She is a rescue dog & was left to die at Christmas in an isolator in Sofia. The guys had left her alone locked up with no food or water in the freezing cold. She was a very lucky girl to be saved when she was. I can’t bear to think of her being scared all over again, she has come through a lot & kept a lovely temperament. She lost the sad look in her eyes & had trust. Sophie is sooo lovable even some of the locals love her, especially the kids in the neighbouring property who she goes to see. Poor Nigel she was really his baby he took her for really long walks & they had a really special bond L I am so sad he is not here he is stuck feeling useless unable to help her. That’s it I can’t write anymore I miss her terribly!
Day 31 on my own, Its getting better, there are now good days & bad days, but this has been a bad week although I am not focusing on me so it's different. My emotions are for Sophie, still lots of crying though which I could really do with being changed for laughter! I wish I was taller & stronger & 20 years younger then everything would be a breeze practically. It has been good spending time with people this week & speaking to my lovely husband on the phone as well as two phone conversations with my mum!
Had a Bulgarian/English lesson with Yovo which was good. great to see Yovo reading as he had double Cataracts & was unable to read or drive. I think it was the fact he couldn’t read that spurned him on to get the operations he needed, he is an avid student of the English language! Also caught up with sarah & John who live the otherside of my village. They came over when they heard about Sophie to see what they could do to help & it was a time of catching up on what we had all been up to. Great to just chat.

After losing the internet & the phone & having no communication on Wednesday I went to Gorna by bus with my friend Mary, real name Maria! Why do they do this they have a name but then they have an English version & we always get introduced by their English version???? I refuse to call Pavlinka Pauline or Yovo John! Unfortunately I was introduced to Mary & didn’t find out for a year that her real name was Maria, shame L Anyway it was great to get out of the village even if it did rain all day long & we were quite damp J. I managed to get the new & charger for lappy so was once again a very happy lady in the land of socialisation! Had a really nice time great to go have coffee & cake again haha.
Mary is quite worried about me, bless her, not just because I had no communication but trying to keep on top of the property when you have the dodgiest hands possible is getting away from me. Unfortunately I have carpal tunnel in both wrists arthritis in most fingers & now a wonderful trigger thumb which is completely useless, I think I have done really well but the amount of rain we have had means I am being swallowed up by weeds!!! My main job is keeping the veggies weeded I need to make sure they are not being strangled & they will get the moisture they will need in the dry weather to come.I am very excited about my pumpkins haha. i have pictures but everything has changed so much & I can't put up to date pics on as my camera has broken :(

I have dug up all the garlic now & have it all plaited & hung to dry also I have mint growing everywhere so I have pulled loads & cut some & have this hung to dry too alongside the garlic. I have also managed to get the chillies planted in between the rain & showers when the ground is not too muddy & have planted the carrots also more beetroot. I’m not sure the beetroot will come to much as I grew the others in pots first.
I am also keeping on top of the tomatoes which are already producing fruit & pinching out the side shoots which appear everyday, miss a day & my goodness!
I am pulling weeds every day & my hands are really suffering now! The pumpkins are doing really well & are growing like triffids at the moment it seems like every day they double in size or length, love it. I know loads of people here grow pumpkins but this is my first time & I grew them from seeds of the ones I cooked with last year! I am looking forward to making soup & scones with them, can’t wait!!!!
This Pumpkin is now 1000 times bigger but I have two others that I can see at this stage.
It’s a lovely time of year in the garden with lots of butterfly’s, fire fly’s, frogs & tiny baby frogs. The many different bee’s are gathering pollen fertilising my fruits & vegetables, everything is growing at an alarming rate……. With some exceptions I don’t think my white runner beans are going to be much cop & the cucumber plant has a flower but, I don’t know, it just seems a bit small, we will see. I have greenery for the cauliflower & broccoli but again I’m not sure if they are going to come to anything. The beetroot leaves are looking good though. & the lettuce is good shame I don’t really like it, time to cut them & give them to friends.

I am looking out now for the damsons when they are ready I will be making Compote with them if there are loads then I will try jam one last time J The weather is all over the place at the moment. We have had lots of rain & storms but also sun & cloud so not all doom & gloom apart from the fact it makes the weeds grow like billy-oh I am being swallowed soon to disappear forever haha, no I’m not joking! It is time I employed a villager to scythe the paddock for me so I can get to all the fruit trees but I will have to wait till the threat of rain has passed before I can spray the weeds round the pool & through the drive. The rest is just pure hard work of pulling & digging them up.

Mary is coming to stay with me for two weeks, in two weeks. She is really looking forward to getting out in the garden. Mary grew up in my village but now lives in a flat in Gorna Oryhovitsa a large town 45 mins away, yet teaches English at my village school, mad hey!!! Mary comes to stay in my house when we go to uk on holiday, she looks after the house & animals & last summer she did lots of gardening while we were away too. She is a good friend! I am hoping the Damsons don’t ripen till she is here to help me :D
My cat Saskia is being really cute & when I was out looking for Sophie she came with me chatting away as we walked, bless her! Nikolai saw me leave the house & I had a cuddle as I hadn’t seen him for weeks. He is back in a terrible state his condition is bad but he is still going! He came with me & Sask in between Sask smacking him, she gets jealous :D
I miss being out & about in Bulgaria, it's a beautiful country with ever changing countryside. Soon there will be fields full of Sunflowers miles of them in every direction a wonderful sight to see. In my garden I have one hahaha not quite the same I am hoping Nigel will be back while they are still out but not at the wilting dying stage!
So what are my goals this week….. Keep looking for Sophie, get out the strimmer & strim what I can even if its just for aesthetics, sort pool water, weed tomatoes & Peppers, weed the vineyard. Lets see how I get on!!!

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