
Saturday, 1 May 2010

5 months of Not Smoking!!!! Buggered Hands & Happy May day etc........

Happy May Day everyone!!!! No idea why we celebrate it here or in UK, I guess it's something to do with spring. It used to be a thing in my Mums day with a May pole & dancing but not in mine: (
The temp here is already 23c at 11am in morning & rising by 1c every 15 mins, It's going to be a hot one today: DI am painting the front door but then I want to get on my sunbed for some solar infusion!!!

I bought these to put Honey & Jam in. They are described as childrens cups? yes they have a lid but they are china so not good for small children! anyway I thought they were very pretty & just what I need when we have guests: D

Today I celebrate five months of being a non smoker !!!!! I am so very pleased although at the moment I'm finding it difficult. I am even dreaming of having a puff or smoking socially, now I can't do this as I would be a smoker again: (

More bad news on the materialist belongings front: (I managed to keep hold of my digital camera when we had everything stolen in UK at Christmas. Well now it has decided to break, we have tried new batteries, better batteries etc etc but to no avail. I was originaly hoping it was the rechargable batteries or the recharge unit but no! I seem to be bereft of everything that costs money to replace which means its ireplacable at the moment. Not a happy bunny, I really loved my camera too, Nigel is going to see if he can download something to repair it, fingers crossed X

Ahh butter wouldn't melt, Sophie otherwise known as Houdini

Reggie Roo

Talking about fingers, I have been having bad nights sleep & last night was stupidly bad. not the trigger thumb but the Carpol Tunnel in my left hand which is now affecting the arm. It wakes me up all the time it swells up, goes numb, aches & tingles deep within. I had to take my watch off but couldnt remove my wedding rings. Its horrid as I cant get comfortable & it takes ages then to get back to sleep then it wakes me again, this goes on all night! I have it in both wrists but I think the left is more affected at the moment as I am using my right hand less due to thumb.
I am fed up with being an old wreck of a woman I'm only 51 feel 25 in my head & 85 in my body. I had M.E in my 20's & 30's & have been left a physical mess: (Well I do try & do my bit but have to suffer the consequenses. Oh well off to suffer more consequenses: D
Have a great May Day !!!!!

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