
Friday, 30 April 2010

A Good Night, Tilling for Domats, Baby Tortoise & Blurb!

Had a great evening last night, the chilli went down really well with them all, especially Yovo & Anton who think "I am Chef" lol. It needed more chilli to really be called a chilli but they would not have coped! It was very tasty though with lots of red wine. Pavlinka made her usual banitsa which I served up with the cakes, this seems to be when they eat it. Last night they all ate loads but as I had made the biggest chilli in the world we still have lots left so guess what’s for dinner tonight :) Another two jars of my pickles made their disappearance too, I am well impressed with them, Nige likes the gherkins & I like the peppers :D
I have IBS which means beans & Onion are like poison to me & make me very ill ,so stupid to make a chilli then, ahh but I have some magic pills for special occasions & I was fine, thank God!!!! Although I do admit it was very foolish as having two things that make me very poorly in one dish could have been catastrophic. I did use spring onions though, thinking these wouldn’t be as strong, maybe, but they made me cry when I chopped them up!!!!!!!! Much Rakia & Red Wine, all from our own grape's, was consumed to the detriment of Nigel :)

Nigel is tilling today so we can plant our tomatoes but we are not allowed to do this till after the 6th, I don't know is the answer to your question, it's how they do it here!!! I shall also plant my pumpkins & Cucumbers. I am hoping for some beans to plant too. I'm not sure when the garlic will be ready but think its about June then I can use that area for something else. I have space for Peppers & we are digging over an extra area for the cauliflower & Broccoli. I need to thin out my seedlings now then I will need to have more space for them, ooh err could be a problem if Nige goes to UK on a run! There is so much to do in the garden & fences need to be built to stop dogs destroying all vegetation!

Managed to get two of our babies home today as we put the dogs in the paddock for the afternoon out of the sun. Custard (ginger girl) & Belle (grey girl) go all unnecessary when they come home with lots of noise & cuddles

Day off for me today as my hands are rebelling from painting & are quite painful so I will get on with the seedlings then at least I haven’t wasted a day! Its over 30c in the garden at 3pm so the dogs are not doing anything except sleeping along with most of the village! Tempting I must say :D
I found one of our baby tortoise this morning, his shell was very soft & he felt quite cold but was moving & alert. Hope this is a different one to the one Nigel found as then at least two survived the hibernation! We think they are not warmed up enough yet as we have not seen any of the bigger ones around. Although I did hear some major rustling the other day when I was gardening but could see nothing as it was in all the undergrowth of their garden. We keep an area of the garden just for them with lots of food (weed) although I may have to nick some for veggies!!!

Well Karen & Peter made it here across Europe ok, got to their house at 2am to find they had been robbed!  I am very sorry for them, what a bloody welcome. I hope they get their belongings back but they must be very disappointed, this is not what you expect when starting a new venture. I hope they are ok!

Here are a couple of the flowers I bought in the market... What are they????

Have also managed to pot up or thin out some seedlings, Sunflowers, Pumpkins, Marigolds & Lettuce.
Time for dinner

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