
Thursday, 15 April 2010

Good weather, no electric naughty dogs & even naughtier Welsh!

Finally we have had some more beautiful sunshine & warm weather No electric though!
Electric went off at 8.45am till 5pm every day for four days, so it was up, on websites till the laptop battery went flat then into garden. Lots of weeding done which is a great thing as with the little bit of rain we had everyting has gone mental in the garden, still shed loads of it & it will be an ongoing battle between them & me all year!
Gardening has been a bit difficult as I have tendonitis of my right thumb & yes I'm right handed! Its been very difficult to do anything, amazing how much you use it & how important your forefinger is too as I cant use that either, I have it cellotaped to my thumb till I can get to a chemist for a splint & proper thumb bandage LOL. I use the claw tool to scrape the ground then use my left hand for the pulling & everything else, I get there in the end!

Sophie & Reggie have a new game it involves dragging my washing off the line & all around the garden & sometimes they play tug of war, another dress down :( Thats when she isnt getting Reg to scare the living daylights out of the cats, they have just chassed Belle up a cherry tree, she is perched very precariously on the very top! Or when she is not jumping the fence like a race horse at the grand national, to play with the neighbours kids or going off for a walk Naughty dogs!

Had a lovely Banitsa last night the best ever made with Doc leaves & Sirene cheese it was beautiful & as I have loads of Doc plants I'm going to find out how to make it instead of digging them all up AGAIN! Pavlinka made one last year which was blah to say the least, far too salty so it was with trepidation we took the first bite but oh it was gorgeous, washed down by Yovo's very nice rakia smooth as silk so a good evening had by all!

Well we have had some fun of late with the even naughtier Welsh, dont you just hate it when your spirit, inner self, intuition, tells you something or someone is off, you argue with yourself cause they seem really nice but still this feeling won't go away & you cant put your finger on it! Every time I dont listen I come a cropper. Well suffice to say we along with a couple of other's have fallen fowl but today the stalkers (yes they are now email stalkers) have made my day with the funniest ramblings of a mad person I have seen for a long time!!! I have spent 2 hours this morning laughing out loud & giggling every few mins in between laughing out loud, a great way to start the day, in fact I'm going to keep the emails & read them every day to put me in a good mood! This is the best quote ever....(Copy & pasted from email).... jesus said what you are doing get done quiker yer
YER!!!! LOL :D
Hear I go again, hahahahahaha, Priceless!!!!!!!!

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