
Monday, 2 August 2010

66 days down... 90 days to go Minishko & Poorlyness

Well after 66 days I’m feeling vulnerable again  I was hoping it would just be a couple of days but as I’m poorly its running on a bit, so….. I will give it a couple of weeks. I have plenty to keep me busy do hopefully once I feel better it will go away or at least not be so debilitating.

I am a bit poorly, can’t tell what is wrong but I am looking GREY & have a temperature which means I’m sweating loads & have no energy I would say a virus these are the main symptoms but really feel unwell with it too. I did sod all on Saturday & yesterday I managed to cook a rice pudding & blog it, then I needed a 3 hour sleep!
So the last couple of days have been very blah & sooo much more emotional what rubbish!!!!! Loads of crying but I have to look on that as positive I believe its better to cry it out helps to cleanse the soul of the pain!
Missing little Hope & Molly so so so much! All sorts of poohey feelings about myself, they always creep in when I’m vulnerable. All the people who know me back in UK will say oh your so strong well I am but also I am not! Me I am many faceted, but at least I know this which means I am not insane, so all good hahaha

Yesterday there was a lot of commotion outside & the dogs were warning people kids I think but I ignored it all inevitably they went away then were back again a little later. I couldn’t make out what the noise was but boy were they noisy! The dogs again had a moan then again it went away I then noticed, after my sleep I think, a noisy strange sound. Now we have some unusual birds here & they are always catching me out when I think people are whistling over the wall, their way of informing you they want you to open the gate, or fighting animals & sometimes people arguing hahaha so I assumed this strange sound was a bird if not then it was from next doors pig. Needless to say I ignored it until Reggie got quite vocal & Sophie’s bark was more a come here mum sound. My interest peaked I went to see what the fuss was about expecting to see a bird only to find a tiny pup sitting in front of the van making this weird noise.
Poor little boy, I went round to pick him up & he hasn’t stopped wagging his tail since! So all the commotion earlier well obviously kids were given the job to get rid & they knew where he would be safe.

Sophie has adopted him & is his mummy & licks him till he is sopping wet. Maya is jealous & keeps barkin at him & Reg is Reg he is ok as long as he stays away from his food :D Oh boy another adventure they certainly keep me busy.

Nigel & I have named him Minishko for Tiny. He is very young but I hope he is no less than 8 – 10 weeks old he has a few scabs which I’m not sure if they are from other dogs biting or fleas, a scar on his head & a limp on his front leg.

I have been feeding him dry dog food soaked in water to soften it & he loves it he has also had a good pooh not too soft or hard looks good & normal to me so I think he is otherwise quite healthy just needs feeding up & lots of love oh & castrating when he is old enough! . I have emailed my friend Jane who lives in the Vidin region to check up on what to do & so far so good she has also given me some helpful suggestions! Jane & her husband Pete have saved many dogs & now have 9 themselves. It’s very difficult here, dogs & cats are treated as vermin it’s a different culture to us but they torture them & seem to get great pleasure from this. Most Bulgarians seem to be scared of dogs. All village homes have dogs but they are even fearful of their own dogs so they are chucked chunks of bread & chained up never getting affection & treated badly! Lots of dogs are taken out of villages to be killed by wild animals or beaten & tortured by humans then left to starve to death or be mauled or killed by packs of wild dogs. I can’t even tell you the horrors of the isolator’s which are meant to help them & all they do is torture & kill!!!
How can we turn a blind eye????? We can’t! I find it hard there’s no help here as they think I am mad to have more than one dog and especially mad as all mine are big & scary :D Stops the buggers breaking in though!!!! Just have to watch out for poisons & the Houdini who is Sophie, roll on November when Nigel can sort out security for Soph.
Reggie is not feeling well poor boy :-(
He has a dry nose which is also running & is very moany to the other dogs just being near him, he has a cold I think. He still has an appetite so I’m not that worried & am keeping an eye on him.

Sophie is just being fed dry food at the moment as she was off her food big time after she was stolen. I have had to feed her & follow her around with the food encouraging her to eat it was taking ages to get her to eat & a couple of times she flatly refused. Sophie would eat her supper which is just dry biscuits so I stopped mixing the dinner with water & bread she just has it dry & now she is eating fine!

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