
Thursday, 20 January 2011

R.I.P Anne, Last Blog New Blog!

This is going to be the last blog of this series. This last year has been a ba****d for me & I want t o bring it to an end. I have started a new blog which you can access from the links.
The last blog here is very sad.....
Bulgaria & British pats lost a wonderful lady this week. Anne was loved by many, her husband & family have suffered a huge loss combined with a massive shock. Anne was a very gregarious, warm hearted, positive, funny lady & was someone who was very supportive to me in the 6 months Nigel was away. I know the terrible shock & loss her family are feeling as my brother died in an instant with no prior warning. It is a terrible pain & such a sadness envelopes you along with the constant re recording of the words, but why?????
Unfortunately there is no answers we can understand but eventually the pain dulls & visits occasionally & life goes on, though it takes time. Time to grieve a terrible loss time to grieve such a emptiness inside.
My heartfelt condolences go out to Anne's husband Colin & all the family & to all Anne's friends personal & Facebook. To everyone who has come into contact with her she was a sunny lady, I want to call her a girl as she was young at heart.
Goodnight Anne, but for a short while xxxxxxxx

Saturday, 1 January 2011

Chestita Novo Godina, Happy New Year! Grip.

Well after Christmas spent with friends came the grip! Grip is what Bulgarians refer to in the case of cold or flue & if you sneeze just once or make the mistake of coughing once you have the grip :D Well I have had something which has wiped me out. More pain though than anything else as I seem to have has affected sinuses & weak. Most days I have been in or on my bed & when I have got up to do dinner I have been weak as a kitten, trying though!
So New years day calls for change, not in the resolution way though as they will be broken by the 2nd!
What do you want to see for your 2011?????
I want a year which will see us both earning money, no working in UK for Nigel, no death's in the family, no theft's or car crashes, a bit of renovation on our house (though this is not as important) & a revelation of Gods plan for us here! These are off course alongside what we always want which is health for our children & grandchildren as well as the rest of our family & friends! I'm sure I could fill a million blogs with the things we want in life on a daily basis!
The first day of 2011 was again one of blue skies & sunshine & farting cats & dogs, poohwee!!!! No idea why I have the smelliest domestic animals n the world. My days are filled with smelly farts, roll on summer.
 My goals for this year..... not you understand resolutions but goals...... lose weight is obviously one of them, sigh, yet again I have gained far too much, it's been over the last couple of years but I have let it go & it's probably the main reason I have had high blood preasure so at some point soon I must start the slimming world recipes again!!!! Be happier, too much unhappiness this year. Even if Nigel goes back to UK I must just get on with living, but how, we will see, I would guess its a state of mind so I have to give myself a talking to :D Walk the dogs more, this will be good for me too & I actually like walking in the snow. I am 2 mins from the countryside so its lovely to walk them here. I used to take Reg but he is too strong for me now my hands are worse so I will take the pups & leave Reg & Sophie to Nigel! At least I don't have the insurmountable mountain of giving up smoking to climb :D That is one I conquered 13 months ago, woohoo!!! Now lets see what I can change for the better this year!

Chloe ,my new grand daughter the best thing from 2010, I pray she lives a blessed life!!!
What do you want to see changed in your life, not the world peace blah blah's real significant changes that will make a real difference to you every day????? Happy new year everyone lets hope 2011 will be significantly better & absolutely different xxxxx