This is Sophie our new addition to the family.
Sophie was a street dog who was saved from an isolator in Sophia from certain death, in fact she had been locked in on her own & would have been 10 days with no food or water if not for a fantastic group dedicated to getting homes for Bulgaria street dogs & cats & other abandoned animals.
Sophie was delivered to my friends Pat & Neville on Christmas day who acted as foster parents till we got back from the UK, she is the best thing about this year so far....
We were caught up in all the snow problems in the UK & managed to get to Luton the night before our flight back, Hurrah, only I wasn't saying that the following morning. January 10 2010, all excited today, going home!!!! Get to hire car no window!!! We had stupidly left all but the necessary in the car overnight, YES I know STUPID, we have never done that before normally we are over protective but with the snow & ice we just didn't think right! So now we start the year with the loss of all our good clothes, Christmas presents, photos of grandchildren (this is the hardest thing for me) both our laptops (stupidly took both to UK) video & digital camera's ipod you name it we lost it, bastards!!!!!
Anyway devastated we got our plane & arrived safely which for me was the main thing! We were insured for everything but not covered as it was from the car not the room, so we lost everything & can replace nothing!!!!
On arriving home I was glad to see my house was still standing but within an hour we were told we had been burgled while our friend was staying here, fortunately she disturbed him & recognised him so the next day we were off to see the local cop the day after that all my jewellery was returned Woop Woop finally some good news!!!
Then the snow returned & 10 days later we had a really bad accident in our car, basically we went into a sideways slide down hill straight into a coach/bus, not to be recommended!!!! We hit the bus, thankfully he had just managed to get it to stop, full force in Nigel's side, as we had plenty of slow motion time & knew what was going to happen Nige managed to lean in as far as poss towards me which saved him serious injury. The car is written off it has cost us £50 to get the insurance docs here & once again we are not covered so now no car!!!!! Once again we are alive all Nigel had was a tiny cut on his hand & I had a sore neck & shoulders for a few days other than the shock we both suffered that was probably the worst thing as in reality we should have been dead or at the very least seriously injured!!!!
I do actually thank God & believe he saved us! I pray every time I go in a car & ask for Angels to be stationed in, on & around the car/van/plane etc :D & ask God to protect us & vehicles around us from accident serious injury & death. This day for some obscure reason I did not pray even though the roads were treacherous, weird I know a bit like leaving all your luggage in the car overnight :) Still Crash we did & saved we were!!!!
So now we are in shock we have lost even more money & property & I am very emotional welcome to 2010! Nigel as usual is very quiet but I know he was very shocked
But the best thing is we both gave up smoking on 1st December & even with all this we have not had even a puff Woop Woop to us I say!!!!!!!!
The other good thing is on the day of the accident I had my hair highlighted & nails painted, very girly which for a little while made me feel good. At least now I know I can get my hair done :D
Back to Sophie Dobrushka Newman.... She is the most delectable dog & we love her very much. We wanted a guard dog & got an emotionally damaged dog that at the moment at least cannot be left alone, oop's something we always said we would not do!
Sophie named by my 4yr old granddaughter Hope, needs a lot of training & obviously responds better to Bulgarian than English so now we are getting somewhere with her & mostly she returns on command but not always. She is also very adept at jumping over our fence & running off ignoring my calls of Sophie come, ella took & get back here now or else young lady, LOL hahaha little moo. She has taken over sleeping in our bedroom & now Edo sleeps downstairs bless him, in fact he spends most of his time under the sofa till Sophie goes to bed at night. The other cats run in every which way when she comes in from her walks & spend the rest of the time behind sofa's & washing machines, apart from Saskia who spits hisses & growls at her if she comes too near & sometimes if they make Sophie jump mayhem breaks loose, but hey they are getting used to her so roll on Spring when we will all be outside more & hopefully by next winter they will all be one happy family Yeay!
So Welcome February 2010 please be kinder to us than January was & I am hoping the rest of the year will be a lot better.